Anybody but me just love tiny people? Mainly because when you're only average height they make you feel like a giant. Rae is one of those tiny people even though she has a big presence. Every time I got to stand next to her at the Meet and Greet, smiling was inevitable because she's so cute. Irony of ironies? Even though I stand over her by at least a foot she calls me "Little one" but it doesn't bother me considering the fact that she's one of my many big sisters and nicknames from them are more than welcome. Anyways, I said all of that to get to the point that Rae doesn't just have a big presence in person but she also has one in writing. Her style is versatile, almost chameleon like. She fits into the Scifi spectrum with ease since its one of her favorite genres. She also does paranormal well and last but not least, romance. One of her latest shorts was centered around none other than the grand Valentine's Day. In A Heart Shaped Hogan we get a glimpse of two familiar faces that you might recognize from previous tales like Lasso A Lover and Something Deeper: Cashmere Sky, Lee Stone and Tank Begaye. Lee's not your typical girl so she doesn't want the typical Valentine's Day. The regular card, candy, teddy bear just won't do. Can't say I disagree. I think everybody wants something that took some serious planning and consideration for their special day. Being that Lee and Tank have had one disastrous V-Day after another she just wants ONE that goes perfectly. What she doesn't know is Tank has all that she needs in store for her. Although this is a short, as usual Rae managed to get in a great back story, character personas that MAKE you like both Lee and Tank, and even more importantly A LOT of heat. Valentine's Day may have long passed but you can still catch the love bug with this sweet tale of two lovers who just want a day where things go right.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wrangling Letty by Drea Riley
I'm not even gonna make small talk here folks because I'm too busy being infactuated with the dynamic duo that is Leticia "Letty" Cloudwalker and the oh so desirable Jeramy Saldana. If you've read Slow Bucking than you got intorduced to Regina Cloudwalker's very outspoken and incredibly funny cousin and business partner, Letty. I do believe you also got to hear a little of what she and Jeramy, her and Regina's former foreman, liked to do with their spare time when the barn was empty and the mood was right. In this lovely ditty you catch up with the secret couple a few years down the line to find that Jeramy is struggling with finally accomplishing his dream to have a ranch of his own meanwhile Letty's struggling with whether or not she should take her relationship with the cowpoke any further. Being that she needs someone to take over Regina's side of their ranch since her cousin married off before getting good and pregnant and Jeramy actually NEEDS to get married to appease his crazy old ornery uncle in order to get his inheritance so he can finally afford to have a ranch, Letty does the unthinkable and proposes that they get married. Jeramy's hesistant at first because he doesn't think Letty realizes the extent of how much he truly loves her. So much so that he passed up another good woman who would've been perfect for their odd situation because he just couldn't see himself being with anyone else BUT Letty. Now Jeramy has a year to prove that he wants so much more than a business relationship with his former boss while desperately trying to achieve all his goals. Unfortunately for Jeramy he doesn't realize he's accomplishing one but failing at the other until Letty decides to teach him a little lesson on how to properly appreciate a loving wife--even if they got married for all the wrong reasons to begin with. Letty takes off leaving behind a ransom letter of her own making, fully expecting her cowboy to take a hint and come scoop her up so they can ride off into the sunset. While Jeramy fully intends to find his wife, he's not so sure they'll be riding off anywhere. Mainly because as far as he's concerned Letty may not be able to sit on a chair for a week after he tans her ass good and proper for ever doubting how much she means to him. Ranch work forgotten, Jeramy has only one goal, wrangling Letty. C'mon and take the wild ride that is Drea's prose folks. You know you wanna.
B-Rated Valentine by Naomi Jones
And I'm BACK!!!! Hello world!!! Did you miss me? Of course you did! I mean seriously, who wouldn't? I bring joy and light wherever I go and if you happen to be someone who disagrees with that fact you can squarely kiss my ass. Now, enough about me. Time to get down to business. What business would that be you ask? REVIEWS!!! Why? Because I've been slacking on them as of late and I'm surprised my corner is still intact. To kick this party off we're gonna start with B-Rated Valentine by Naomi Jones. If you know NJ then you know she has a love for those really bad B-rated movies that premiere on Syfy every week. I dunno why but the mutilation of humans by the claws, fanged mouths and or other dangerous body parts from lab created monsters seems to really make her day. Hence the name of her first story at BTP. So I have a question. Anybody ever experience the perils of having an asshole for a spouse who you can't seem to shake and they're standing in the way of the person you're REALLY supposed to be with? I do believe we've ALL had that problem at time...or two...some of us three but I'm not judging, I'm just pointing it out. Funny thing is Naya Hamilton just so happened to have that same issue. An asshole for a boyfriend who couldn't see past his own insecurities for just a few minutes and appreciate who and what he had in a relationship. Really sad that Dagger Romero--gorgeous wolf shifter--and close friend of Naya had to step in and save the day. Dagger's always had a thing for Naya. She aroused more than his body, she captured his heart. So when Naya's little pipsqueak of a human asshole gives her an ultimatum to either choose him or her academic career and she chooses her academic career, Dagger sees this as the perfect opportunity to make all his wolfie mating dreams come true. Every thing just falls perfectly into place when with the help of Naya's older sister, Regine, he finds out his soon to be mate is taking a vacation in Regine's cabin. The only question is, can he convince Naya to be his B-Rated Valentine? This story had just the right amount of what I like to call "giggle and sigh." Its when you alternate every other page between giggling and sighing at how adorable Dagger's canine like persistence is. Add that to the fact that it's not HIS tail he's chasing and you have a recipe for some surprising heat. My recommendation? Find a corner and get to reading.
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